After Elections, Boston City Council Now Dominated by Women

Here’s something positive to look forward to! It feels nice to hear something so empowering and encouraging when we live in such upsetting times. 

As of November 6th, CBS Boston released the news that Boston City Council has now elected its first female majority! Isn’t that great?! Apparently, this is the first largest female majority and the most racially ethnic diversity lineup that Boston has ever seen. 

After the votes on Tuesday, along with the other female candidates, Boston has elected its first Latina City Council woman. So, starting on January 13thof 2020, the new 13-member council will have eight women and out of the eight, seven women are ethnic minorities. 

This is a great achievement for not only ethnic minorities, but it’s a great victory for women. Sometimes small victories like this always make tougher times seem a little easier. Just knowing that we’re taking small steps for a greater change always feels good.


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