Ethnic Minorities Get Paid Less Than Their White Colleagues in Research

Well here’s some ridiculous news. Apparently even though we live in such modern times there’s still some incidents that are unfair.  From an article by the Independent, ethnic minorities in academics are less likely to get funding than white researchers. 

This article shows that ethnic minorities are less likely to get funding than white colleagues. Apparently, on average, ethnic minorities receive grants that are lower than £100,000 compared to white colleagues. Isn’t that so ridiculous?!

Moreover this research showed that white researchers are 27% more likely to receive research grants compared to their ethnic colleagues. One of the researchers, Dr. Izzy Jayasinghe, talked about how researcher councils that decide the grants look through data based on sex, disability, ethnicity, and age. Plus, researchers in 2019 & 2018 were 79% white and 13% were ethnic minorities. 

Here’s one last thing; white researchers were awarded £670,000 while ethnic minorities were awarded £564,000. 

How messed up is that?  We all think that we live in the community that encourages growth inequality, but it looks like we still lack the ideas that we preach. 


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