New £50 May Appear with Historic BME Figure

Britain may be releasing something exciting for ethnic minorities!

A new £50 note will be issued in England sometime this year. Recently, the Bank of England has announced that the new note will feature a scientist. 

However, here’s the interesting part, every time a new note is issued, the Bank of England appeals for public nominations. Then the final choice is announced by Mark Carney (the Bank of England governor). 

Now, more than 200 influential people have signed a letter written to the bank and campaigned for the new note to have a “historic figure from a black and minority ethnic” (Independent). This letter included signatures from people such as Lord Victor Adebowale, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, etc. People have included Noor Inayat Khan, Britain’s first Muslim war heroine, and Mary Seacole, the Crimean War nurse. 

If this note gets presented with an ethnic minority, it would be such a wonderful achievement for all minorities around the world, especially minorities within large countries such as Britain or the United States. Moreover, this note would be a huge achievement for the ethnic minorities that make up 14% of Britain’s population. 


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