Vancouver Public School Facing Civil Rights Lawsuit
Well, here’s something new. Remember, when we thought that we lived in a nation with civil rights? Well, there’s been some civil rights issues with the Vancouver Public School.
According to a news article from a local news source, in Vancouver, Washington, there’s an investigation in is conducted by the Washington Attorney General’s office towards the Vancouver Public School. Apparently, the school practices keeping out higher proportions of students of color and students with disabilities from the school. Instead, the school practices keeping their white and non-disabled peers.
A letter was received by the Attorney General’s office that the school’s discipline causes higher rates of suspension and expulsion of black, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, and Native American students. On the other hand, students with disabilities also face more punishments than the other students.
Clearly, this is violation of many state laws and civil rights laws. At the moment, there is no further information about the case.
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