Texas School District Sued for Coloring in Teen's Hair
Check out this inerasable mistake in Texas:
As the United States begins to mark the 400thanniversary of slavery, there have been a few moments that recently made the news and a few lawsuits have been filed due to discrimination.
For instance, a few days ago, Pearland Independent School District was filed with a lawsuit for discriminating a high school student. A 13-year-old African-American student who attends Berry Miller Junior High School came to school one day with an Mshaved on his head. The school authorities saw this as a violation to school dress code, so the school principal used a Sharpie to color in the M on the student’s head.
The lawsuit explain that the student felt “extremely degraded” after the incident, and the parents of the child had not been notified about the apparent school violation. Also, the three school officials involved in the act apparently laughed as they used the marker on the student’s head. Furthermore, by coloring in the student’s shave made the Mmore vivid and noticeable.
Clearly this was an unprofessional act on behalf of the school administration, and it just shows how discrimination toward ethnic minorities is still prominent within our society. But what do you think?
For the full article click: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49419371?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/cvenzmgyergt/race-and-ethnicity&link_location=live-reporting-story
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