Major Gain for Women & Minorities in Television Directing
Since we always hear about heartbreaking stories in the messed-up world that we live in now, it’s always good to hear some good news. So, here’s some good news for women and especially minorities! An article by Aljazeera showed that a new record number of the 2018-2019 television episodes were directed by women or ethnic minorities. Isn’t that so wonderful? A report by the Episodic Television Director Inclusion explained that “half of all TV episodes were directed by women or African American, Asian American or Latino directors.” Plus, in the last five years only 21% of television episodes were directed by women or minorities, but in the last year that percentage has gone up to 42.5%. We’ve always known how hard it’s been for women and ethnic minorities to move up in the television and movie industries, so hearing something like definitely shows a good sign of progress. Nonetheless, slowly but surely, women and minorities are gaining the respect and ...