China Killing Ethnic Minorities & Harvesting Their Organs
So, here’s some crazy news! We live in some insane times with such a crazy world around us. But let’s take a trip to China where minorities are being killed, and there’s a huge violation of human rights! According to the UN Human Rights Council, they’ve been reported that the Chinese government has been killing ethnic minorities and been harvesting their organs for about twenty years now. Apparently, recent evidence has come to light and shown how the Chinese government has been killing members of the Falun Gong group. According to the Independent, “detainees were ‘killed to order…cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale.’” Recently, the UN had been alerted of this horrific situation, and this past Tuesday a NGO hosted a UN event where Sir Geoffery explained that there was an enough amount of evidence collected by the tribunal. Thus, the international organizatio...