
Showing posts from September, 2019

China Killing Ethnic Minorities & Harvesting Their Organs

So, here’s some crazy news! We live in some insane times with such a crazy world around us. But let’s take a trip to China where minorities are being killed, and there’s a huge violation of human rights! According to the UN Human Rights Council, they’ve been reported that the Chinese government has been killing ethnic minorities and been harvesting their organs for about twenty years now. Apparently, recent evidence has come to light and shown how the Chinese government has been killing members of the  Falun Gong  group. According to the Independent, “detainees were ‘killed to order…cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale.’”  Recently, the UN had been alerted of this horrific situation, and this past Tuesday a NGO hosted a UN event where Sir Geoffery explained that there was an enough amount of evidence collected by the tribunal. Thus, the international organizatio...

A Timeline of Hate Crimes Against the Sikh Community

As we remember the lives lost of loved ones during the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001, I found it fitting to write about the after attacks on dozens of Sikhs in America and the lives lost due to hate crimes against minorities.  On the 18 th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the United Sikhs Organization released a timeline illustrating all the hate crimes and targeted assaults against the Sikh community. The timeline detailed more than 40 attacks against the minorities, with the latest attack occurring a few weeks ago in Tracy, California.  Around the end of August, 64 year old Paramjit Singh was taking a nighttime stroll when he was brutally stabbed in the park. Unfortunately, Mr. Singh passed away due to the stabbing. Although, the police have not concluded an exact reason for this attack, the people are asking for a hate crime charge to be applied once the killer is caught. There was even a surveillance video received of man running in the park around the tim...

Texas School District Sued for Coloring in Teen's Hair

Check out this inerasable mistake in Texas:  As the United States begins to mark the 400 th anniversary of slavery, there have been a few moments that recently made the news and a few lawsuits have been filed due to discrimination.  For instance, a few days ago, Pearland Independent School District was filed with a lawsuit for discriminating a high school student. A 13-year-old African-American student who attends Berry Miller Junior High School came to school one day with an  M shaved on his head. The school authorities saw this as a violation to school dress code, so the school principal used a Sharpie to color in the  M  on the student’s head.  The lawsuit explain that the student felt “extremely degraded” after the incident, and the parents of the child had not been notified about the apparent school violation. Also, the three school officials involved in the act apparently laughed as they used the marker on the student’s head. Furthe...

New £50 May Appear with Historic BME Figure

Britain may be releasing something exciting for ethnic minorities! A new £50 note will be issued in England sometime this year. Recently, the Bank of England has announced that the new note will feature a scientist.  However, here’s the interesting part, every time a new note is issued, the Bank of England appeals for public nominations. Then the final choice is announced by Mark Carney (the Bank of England governor).  Now, more than 200 influential people have signed a letter written to the bank and campaigned for the new note to have a “historic figure from a black and minority ethnic” (Independent). This letter included signatures from people such as Lord Victor Adebowale, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, etc. People have included Noor Inayat Khan, Britain’s first Muslim war heroine, and Mary Seacole, the Crimean War nurse.  If this note gets presented with an ethnic minority, it would be such a wonderful achievement for all minorities around the world,...